Bushfire Construction
BMO Bushfire Protection Measures
Bushfire Construction
When you are building in a Bushfire Prone Area (BPA) or a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO), your project will need to be designed and built to Australian Standards AS3959:2018 - Construction of buildings in a bushfire prone area.
In Victoria, there's 5 possible construction levels, known as Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL):
Bushfire Construction
All buildings will need to be designed and built to Section 3 of AS3959:2018 (General Construction Requirements) and the BAL Assessment & Report will determine which additional construction requirements are required (Sections 4-9 of AS3959:2018).
Construction for all Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL):
In AS3959:2018, there are six Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL):
* The Victorian Building Regulations (Items 157 & 158) state that a Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 9a, 9b or 10a building in a Bushfire Prone Area (BPA) must be built to a minimum of BAL 12.5.
Refer to our AS3959 page (under the Construction tab) for further info and for bushfire construction reference guides for each section.
Bushfire Protection Measures